********************************************************************* * The Ocean Microbial Reference Gene Catalog (OM-RGC) * ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* * Download * ********************************************************************* OM-RGC_seq.release.tsv.gz [ Size: 7.8 GB | MD5 sum: 74cb7a263ba785df918210b2ec4560fe ] ********************************************************************* * File scheme for OM-RGC_seq.release.tsv * ********************************************************************* Contains all reference genes in a single .tsv file for easy insertion into databases. Field separator is a single 'tab' or '\t' character. Each row contains the following information: 1. OM-RGC_ID Identifier of the sequence (OM-RGC.v1.XXXXXXXXX) 2. GeneID Original gene identifier of representative sequence 3. eggNOG_OG eggNOG annotated orthologous group(s) of this gene (if available) 4. KEGG_ko KEGG annotated KEGG orthology of this gene (if available) 5. KEGG_module KEGG module(s) of this gene (if available) 6. kingdom Taxonomic annotation (Kingdom) 7. phylum Taxonomic annotation (Phylum) 8. class Taxonomic annotation (Class) 9. order Taxonomic annotation (Order) 10. family Taxonomic annotation (Family) 11. genus Taxonomic annotation (Genus) 12. species Taxonomic annotation (Species) 13. sequence Nucleotide sequence of the gene Empty cells are denoted by "" (two double-quotes). Unknown Taxonomic annotations are marked as 'undef' (without the quotes). ********************************************************************* * Disclaimer * ********************************************************************* The data have been generated according to current standards of scientific conduct. However, gene coding nucleotide sequences represent computational predictions only and accuracy of taxonomic and gene functional assignments dependent on the completeness of reference databases used for annotation. Thus, the data provider cannot be held responsible for potential mispredictions or misannotations. Last change: 26.Jan.2015